Expand Your Coverage Capabilities.

Better Reach Underrepresented Areas Through The Vngle Newswire.

Our work strengthens the local news ecosystem to help you better attain more verified local insights.

Through partnering with trained local experts, we capture pressing grassroots-level stories you won't find elsewhere.

Our content is secured by patented mobile forensics verification technology.

Our tech enables us to share a record of exactly where, when, and how our content is captured, helping you get transparent insights from the ground without being there.

We cover the last mile so you don't have to.

Vngle's grassroots newsire accelerates your ability to learn from diverse audiences to confidently grow your media strategy & combat traces of misinformation.

We work with media organizations, institutions, and more delivering trusted and truly representative hyper-local insights on the communites they care about.

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you need From Vngle.